Rich, Thanks for reporting this. What was JFK's first book? While England Slept......maybe you could author, While City Hall Slept.

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Apr 25, 2022Liked by Rich Cibotti

If I got Thanos-snapped and came back between the time I left and now, I don't think I'd recognize the place...

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On one hand we can assume the leadership is not competent. I do not believe that is the case. They do not want officers that agree with what you are saying. They want a force that will do what they say without question.

This is no different than what we are seeing at a Federal level when they skipped hiring people with military, police experience in favour of Ivy League law degrees fresh out of schoo. The only way to get to their ideal officer is to get rid of as many as possible and then hire in the type they want. It may take a few years but I believe that is what is going on at this point all over the country. Seattle PD has been gutted as well and they just filled the ranks of all of the other local departments with experienced officers and leaders.

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I don’t understand… as you wrote, “ These incidents would include a building alarm where cops conduct a building search and find no one inside. ” Then, who was the force used on? This does not fit the definition of “use.”

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